This week’s CTN Shabbat Fax is sponsored in honor of Rabbi Yehuda and Mashie Polstein, and the fabulous work they are doing at the Jewish Family Experience (JFE). CTN is honored to partner with you in this vital project. Special ‘mazal tov’ wishes to JFE student Sol Zilberman, as well as to his parents, regular participants in JFE classes with Rabbi Katz, on the occasion of Sol’s Bar Mitzvah. May you grow to make your parents and the entire Jewish People proud!
This week’s CTN Shabbat Fax is dedicated in memory of Ilene C. Leon, Chaya bas Feige, z”l, on the occasion of her 31st yahrzeit. Please join us as we pay tribute to her memory at the Ilene C. Leon Chicago Conference for Jewish Women, ‘Spa Day for the Soul’, on Sunday, June 2.
This week’s CTN Shabbat Fax is dedicated by Heshy & Debbie Wengrow, in memory of Heshy’s father, Avraham Dov ben Yitzchak Menachem HaKohain Wengrow z”l, on the occasion of his 26th yahrzeit. May the Jewish inspiration and growth through this week’s Shabbat Fax be a merit for his neshama (soul).