
Jewish Family Experience

There’s something new and exciting happening for Jewish families in the North Shore – and if you are a Jewish parent, looking to inspire your child, the Jewish Family Experience might be just what you are looking for!

Jewish Family Experience (JFE) is a Sunday morning Hebrew school for children grades 1-8 – but it is so much more! JFE is a dynamic family-based learning program dedicated to educating and inspiring Jews across the North Chicago Suburbs regardless of their affiliation or background. By providing relevant educational and inspirational learning experiences for parents along with dynamic Hebrew School programming for their children, the Jewish Family Experience nurtures the whole family and helps build a dynamic Jewish future.

Tuition is extremely reasonable and no synagogue affiliation or membership fees are required.

See what parents like you are saying about JFE.

For further information about JFE see www.jewishfamilyexp.org or contact Rabbi Yehuda Polstein at email: yehuda@jewishfamilyexp.org
office: (847) 677- 6279
cell: (773) 706 – 6020

Jewish family Experience is a collaborative effort of Chicago Torah Network and the National Council of Synagogue Youth (www.ncsy.org), and supported by the Morris Neiman Scholarship Trust.