Spa Day 2018
” I loved the mix of young and old in a non judgemental welcoming environment. I am going home with lots to think about.
— Jenn S.
“CTN, How do you keep finding such great people?”
— Susie S.
“Lunch session with Rebbitzen Feige Twerski I found to be riveting and profound.”
— Viviene P.
” I really loved the holocaust survivor. She was beautiful and inspirational. Her positive view on her life and gratitude for the goodness that happened and how G_d is always watching over her will remain with me. Such a unique chance – loved her strength, her humor and her message. “
— Martine G.
“Danielle was amazing. I gained so much from her talk on Parenting without Perfection. There is no perfect. She helped us see how to forgive ourselves, to forgive our child and how to move forward in a positive way.”
— Laura M.
“I enjoyed every aspect – wonderful women and empowering and engaging speakers. Thank you! I look forward to attending more. I enjoy the parenting and household ideal portions and feel I can use these informational tools starting today!!!”
— Cherie G.
“Rebbetzin Twerski has a special aura around her. You want to take her home! “
— Diana P.
“Rachel Zimmerman’s talk on Taking Care of Yourself was powerful. Health is a journey and we need to be kind to ourselves. Really appreciate the practical tips to adopt healthier habits. “
— Sue D.
“Rivka Caroline’s keynote speech was truly delightful and practical! “
— Jessica H.
“I am excited to try my new time management tips from Rivka Caroline -to not multi-task, but to uni-task in rapid succession…and to create artificial deadlines. “
— Brenda G.
“I was blown away by the holocaust survivor’s story (Mrs. Anne Maryles) of survival and courage. Never give up hope! “
— Megan G.
“My favorite session was Rachel’s Taking Care of Myself. She is very “real” and presented really positive ways for improvement without judgement. “
— Rivka K.
“The organizers were so very thoughtful, and all the hard work was truly evident throughout the day. Thank you!!! “
— Stacey P.
“Loved the shared bonding of like-minded women. “
— Adrienne L.
“The day truly enriched my soul and my daily life. The Rebbetzin’s words were words of gold.”
— Jen S.
“I was really impacted by Danielle Dragon’s talk on Parenting. Thinking more about what is driving my behavior and understanding that every behavior of my kids comes from a need.”
— Chava R.
“Beautiful to be in the same room with ladies of so many different backgrounds and seeing how we all experience the same emotions and it’s ok. :)”
— Debbie H.
“I LOVED it. So powerful to connect spiritually with such loving strong inspirational women supporting each other. I hope my daughter will one day get to be here with me and my mom together. “
— Michele M.
Dear Friends –
Wow! What a day! So much energy, unity, and passion – and so much growth!
And so many thank you’s to make!
First and foremost, thank you, thank you, thank you to Cheryl & Bruce Leon for your vision, your encouragement and your financial support to help make Spa Day a reality! It is such a meaningful tribute to your mother z”l – especially with Raina now on the leadership team and your other daughters so involved – and it is an honor for us at CTN to play a role in perpetuating her memory.
To Sharon Schwartz, Stacy Spielman, Robin Loeb, and Aliza Polstein thank you again for your dedication and all your hard work. It is a privilege to work with you!
Special thanks to Rebbetzin Feige Twerski and Rivka Caroline for your powerful keynote talks, and Mrs. Anne Maryles, Danielle Dragon and Rachel Zimmerman for your awesome breakout sessions.
Thank you as well to our individual sponsors, our gracious hostesses, and our many wonderful volunteers. We couldn’t have done it without you!
And finally, thank you to the 200 Spa Day 2018 participants from across the community. Your enthusiasm and commitment to growth is awesome and inspiring!
We can’t wait till next year!