This week’s CTN Shabbat Fax is dedicated In honor of the yartzeit of our beloved husband and father, Gennady Galperin. May his love and light continue to inspire and warm our lives. Leonora, Natasha and Eliana.
This week’s CTN Shabbat fax is sponsored by Margie Shabat for Shabbat Chazon (the Shabbat before Tisha B’av) “as a merit for peace, harmony and love between all Jews. May Tisha B’av turn into a day of joy and celebration!”
This week’s CTN Shabbat Fax is sponsored by Rabbi Moshe & Bracha Katz, in memory of his mother, Mrs. Eleanor Katz, on the occasion of her yahrzeit. ‘Your commitment to Torah and Judaism inspired Dad to begin a life of Torah and together you raised abeautiful family of Rabbis, educators and deeply committed Jews.’