This week’s CTN Shabbat Fax is sponsored by all of us at CTN and the entire extended CTN Family, wishing a huge ‘Mazel tov’ to Yehuda Spielman on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah this Shabbos. May you continue in the ways of your wonderful parents and grandparents and grow to be a wonderful human being and a great Jew! We are so proud of you!
This week’s CTN Shabbat Fax is sponsored by the Deutsch Family, in memory of Rae Daniel z”l, a truly special and beloved person. She was a unique combination of scholarship, piety, sincerity, and tremendous dedication, whose passing in October 1992 (2 Mar Cheshvan 5753) left an immense void in the hearts of her family, friends and students. During the many years that she taught in Hebrew schools, she was more than just another teacher. She was that rare individual who truly inspired her students with love of Judaism, tradition and the Land of Israel. In the words of a parent of two of her students “… she touched our lives, and opened a new world for Amy and Leah …”. The CTN Shabbat Fax tries to represent all that Rae Daniel was. We pray that her memory be blessed, as the Shabbat Fax continues to bring Jewish thought and inspiration to more and more people.
This week’s CTN Shabbat Fax is sponsored by Doris and Ron Lazarus in honor of their children Matthew and Jennifer Seidner, and grandchildren Talia, Perla and Jonah. “May the New Year bless you with good health and continued strength. May you feel our love, devotion and pride on every step of your journey. We are filled with gratitude for all that you teach us, every moment of every day. Happy 6th Birthday Talia. We love you! Love, Bubbie and Poppa”
This Shabbat, in synagogues around the world, we’re back to square one.
Starting to study the Torah all over again. From the beginning.
It’s always been a very Jewish approach to Torah.
… As soon as we finish – we start again!
It’s something we should appreciate. Be proud of.
And make sure we continue.
… The love for learning. The endless passion to know more.
And – most importantly – never to say: “I know that already.” (more…)