
SPA DAY 2024 – Faculty



Michal Cohen earned her Master’s in Social Work from Loyola University. As a highly successful and respected clinician, she has helped countless individuals discover better paths in their relationship struggles and in dealing with mood disorders, anxiety and OCD.  For over three decades she has served as the Rebbetzin at Chicago’s Congregation Adas Yeshurun, and she spent 30 years teaching brides through the Daughters of Israel organization. In addition to running her own private practice, Michal devotes one day a week as a clinician at the Mozes and Helen Stern Upward Counseling Center, which empowers youth by creating safe spaces dedicated to fostering connections and building resilience, while supporting parents and educators as they navigate the challenges of raising children into healthy adults.

Adrienne Gold Davis was a Canadian television personality specializing in fashion, style, and beauty before becoming a senior lecturer and community liaison at the Village Shul in Toronto, as well as an international Jewish educator. Today she is the Director of Experience and Engagement for Momentum, an international movement focused on Jewish mothers, in the effort to bring a renaissance of Jewish values into the home, the community, the world! Adrienne has been invited to speak in cities around the world, and her morning podcast, called Rise & Shine, features universal lessons steeped in Jewish values, along with her signature combination of gentleness, wisdom, and hilarity.

Esti is Director of CTN’s Women’s Programming, a mentor and role model to women of all ages and backgrounds, and a much sought-after adviser about relationships, parenting and spiritual growth. A popular and highly respected speaker, with a special passion for inspiring Jewish brides as they begin their Jewish homes, Esti has been invited to speak at Jewish adult education venues in cities around the country on a wide variety of topics. In addition to being a Jewish educator, Esti was an IT Consultant for over 25 years, and enjoys a fulfilling career as a Relationships and Life Coach – but her favorite role is that of a wife, mother and grandmother to her family.

Miriam Jaffe is the Principal of Chedvas Bais Yaakov Girls’ High School in Lakewood New Jersey. Originally from Chicago, Miriam served as a beloved Judaic Studies teacher at the Ida Crown Jewish Academy, where she was a mentor and guide to many hundreds of students in a career that spanned close to three decades. She is an internationally renowned speaker on a variety of subjects, and she served twice as a City Leader along with Esti Deutsch on CTN’s JWRP Israel trips for women.

Basya Kovacs, the founder of BKCoaching (and BKSnacking, coming soon) is a health and wellness coach. For the past 14 years Basya has helped hundreds of clients reach their health and wellness goals. She currently sees clients 1:1 as well as in group setting via Zoom. Basya can be reached at bkcoaching2023@gmail.com or via her website mybkcoaching.com.

Tamar Livingstone is a clinical therapist working with adolescents and adults in Maryland, has helped train staff at schools, camps and synagogues in mental health awareness and abuse prevention, and is a popular speaker on parenting and relationships. In addition, Tamar has been successfully engaged in multifaceted Jewish outreach efforts with college students, young professionals and families for over 20 years, in a number of cities including Chicago.

Aliza Rosenbaum is a celebrated educator in Chicago, having won awards for her dedication to her students and creativity and clarity in the classroom. In addition, Aliza teaches and coordinates events for J-Life, bringing Jewish identity, knowledge and pride to young Russian Jews in Chicago and the suburbs.
